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There Will Be No Magazine Submissions Until
Further Notice
Our Readers
The Agape love Network Magazine is for Christian singles and couples that share stories about matters of life, relationships marriage and singleness.
Our Tone
Agape written works must offer first-hand, honest, perspectives on a single's life, marriage, relationships, faith, and ministry.
Our Writers
Agape Love Network strives to respond to all queries within 1-2 weeks of submission.
Editorial Needs
Agape publishes various themes on Life, love, faith, and gray areas. All articles should be between 300 and 500 words.
Guidelines for Submissions
All author submissions must follow these:
Only upload articles as a Microsoft word. The author retains the copyright and will be given full credit with links to their website or social channels. Only submit one Article. Please send NEVER BEFORE published written work!
* Submit all work in Times New Roman
* 12-point font.
Please submit quality photos in high resolution.
Flyer's, Event's, Businesses, Gospel Shows, Single and Couple Events, Ministries, etc
Check our home page regularly for updates on upcoming themes and deadlines.
We receive over 100 submissions quarterly and can only publish approximately 15-25 pieces. So send your absolutely best piece(s) of work.
We do not publish the same writer more than three times a year, and never in consecutive issues.
Do not send a second submission until you have heard back from us considering the first one.
We respond to all submissions by email. Our average response time is between two to three weeks
Cover Page $20, Full Page Advertisement $15, Half Page Advertisement: $10
Quarter Page Advertisement: $11, Back Cover Advertisement: $40
Pricing may change at anytime
* Please send us a valid email address and phone number when submitting your info.
Royalties: Agape Love Network will have exclusive rights to all royalties and payments from digital sales and offline
Upon reviewing submissions, Agape Love Network Magazine reserves the rights to Accept or Deny any submission we receive. Submissions are reviewed based on its content, story, relevance and the availability of space in the issue its being submitted to be published.
*Agape Love Network Magazine doesn’t provide free print copies unless we agree upon it, as presently the publication is printed exclusively through magcloud, Magcloud prints-by-purchase. Our features and advertising are fee based.
Cover Page $20
Full Page Advertisement $15
Half Page Advertisement: $10
Quarter Page Advertisement: $11
Back Cover Advertisement: $40
Must Include: Business or Ministry, logo, Valid Email, Photo, Social Media Listings, Website Address
CEO Omar Liles
Agape Love Network LLC
53 Burnet Street Newark NJ 07012